Daily Investigative Analysis

General observations, and facts that take good amount of my thinking time.

Location: Mountain View, CA, United States

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Having a girlfriend when you are student !! (Irrelevant caption)

Well.... having a girlfriend while you are a student is a very special feeling :). It’s like when you have NO MONEY even to send a SMS. She gets all angry for you not calling up often or not meeting up that often. It is kind of strange that when we have everything (I used to work and earn once upon a time) it is not better than having nothing but quite something. Well well well and Why I'm writing all about it. Simply because it is a very nice feeling and I’m happy to share, most importantly to see if I can put it in words. I’m sure everybody experiences the same (if not then please get a life).

Well sometimes we have so many friends that happen to be girls (they are also sweet 2 you) that we kind of get all blasé about it. But in the end I really feel that it is not about having what you really want (is that what we want is still debatable). It is the need of having someone that’s more sweet. You know what I mean, right? Its not quite fun when we both know for sure that what has to exists between us - exists. It is the unknown but quite known factor that’s all the fun about. Well you can call me a tharkey for that but do I care? No!!

To get the feeling quite correct lets take an analogy. It is like getting a gift and knowing all about it, but still its nicely gift wrapped and concealed and it has a very nice note on it :). It is not quite like a surprise but its like knowing what is to be expected but the expectation has still not materialized. It would not be that fun if you just got your gift out from the sky and an godly voice said "Son that’s for you have fun". I would say "God .... no wonder you are all alone !".

Well also its a very fine line between happiness and despair. Its happy knowing that yes there is a possibility but that can very well turn into despair if you knew that there is no possibility or even for the fact if you knew that the possibility cannot be concluded either ways. Marriage for the same sense I fell is the upshot of slight despair and a hurry to conclude and say "Bang Wang thank you mam!" I don’t know :) for sure as I’m not married but I’m sure it should have an overtone of compromise. Well lets get practical over here, marriage for one reason would not be a better deal if we simply knew that we both will stick around as usual without getting married. Well how does marriage help in this …. Ahem Ahem food for everyone :D, feed a 10000gazillion fat ass hungry relatives and tax benefits. Your bet but, I quite don’t see the point at times!

Well now I know its quite difficult to put in words. But I still know that the one who reads it in the right sense knows all about it. But yet I cannot conclude what someone feels after reading this post. This will be quite amazing if it happens that the post above leads to a million possible interpretations. Interpretations about your relationships know only to you ! Quite strange that in the reflexive function of a mutual relationship the interpretation of ones involvement in it is still subjective. I think this is where it gets fcuked up. Now that we know where it gets fcucked up, unfortunately there is no remedy for it. This is because - You for one reason mostly liked the other person for his/her subjective interpretation about you. Now you cannot like - “NOT eat your cake .... , also do AWAY with it and still HAVE it” . So sadly one cannot take the subjectivity out. Also taking the subjectivity would give you something like grapes (well aim bad at spellings). Well but you signed up for it and you were not drafted, soldier!

Now … Wasn’t all that I wrote so very obvious.

BTW: I’m sure that I’m not confused :D and I am single and have NO girlfriend/s ~

P.S: “NOT eat your cake and also do AWAY with it and still HAVE it” this should me my master piece confused Zen doggerel.


Blogger Maverick said...

So true.. I have none too!! :P

8:35 AM  

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