Daily Investigative Analysis

General observations, and facts that take good amount of my thinking time.

Location: Mountain View, CA, United States

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Debug This !!

:D this is a strange one. May be a the freakiest ones. Every once in a while I have a deluge of work to be completed in the as usual minuscules of time :(. This time it was and FSCK program for the EXT2 file system. Cool ha !! . Its a dumb programs that tries for fix a corrupted file systems nothing much to say about it. Good experience to write one,nothing great about it not as great as my new idea !

In these high wrought and worked up days I'm often visited by my old dear friend ACIDITY. Its business as usual for me when it comes to severe acidity. Wake up, know the exact place below the ribs where it pains,drink water , and ... throw up. Well something really worse happened today where i did threw up again again but none alleviated the pain :(. So i slept in between these 4 hours 4 times and with FSCK on my mind these are the thoughts I get in my dreams.

1. "May be my liver has gone in an infinite loop producing Bile, i need to just fix that variable and all will be fine". hmm this one is very sad, just shows my attachment to the debugger windbag or gdb doesn't matter.

2. "My intestines are a big disk and the part that is paining is the corrupted block of the file system, may be i should attach my self to the debugger and see the values of the corrupted block/intestine".

The thoughts about FSCK and the pain were so badly amalgamated that I clearly remember waking up at regular intervals and explaining it to myself
Faraz-> "Ext2 fSck and acidity are two differnt problems. Both have no relation to each other and you cannot insert your body in a debugger and diagnose it. Get over it and try to sleep.!!

Very sad !! This is what life gets like at CMU !! No girls, No flying and no dropping even in your dreams :P

Well to think about wouldn't it be great if we can make a debugger for our doctors ;). (There are were sweet doctors at UPITT here)
->Just attach the patient and do a
->bt (backtrace) for everything on the stack.
No more baap ka naam ?, maa ka naam?, kal kya khaya tha ? kyu khaya tha ?.
->print heartbeat; //to print the hearbeat
->break bile>1000 // hmm hmm not cool i know, this a demo na Baba. Real implementation won't stop the running patient
fix the thing
->step n
-> WOW!! i am a doctor now !!!

I think these things do exist but they are just not seen as a debugger. I think its doable in a lifetime and another would be needed for testing it :D

LETS PUT THESE DOC'S OUT OF BUSINESS, I will debug myself using my debugger.

Well after 4 hours of an ordeal and hundreds of call to/fro back home, the day was saved by Pudin Hara. From now on, something which i will try to implement is not stay awake for more than 2 days on a stretch (I have kind of developed it over time and the MAX is 5 days without a 'second' of sleep). On the 5th day the experience is quite worth sharing. Some other time. But the best part of the 5 day run is the experience of hearing/understanding what you yourself say with a lag of some time, and crying/singing voices being poured into your ears out of no where. Missing frames , almost like the MATRiX stuff. (Do not do it !)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Proof of UN-God-Ability.

Proof of UN-God-Ability using ...
Bounded Rationality and Inductive Bias

Theorem of Un-God-Ability
Statement1: There is nobody who knows everything. (Quite obvious right, lets prove it !)
Corollary 1: Nobody is always correct.
Corollary 2: No body knows the solutions to everything.
Corollary 3: Roy cannot know everything !

Background (The know facts to mankind-Grab any book on Computational Learning theory)
Representing the entire hypothesis space doesn't allow you to generalize beyond experience. Its the inductive bias in representation of the hypothesis space which makes decision possible because it limits the search of the hypothesis space.

And its the bound that lets you generalize the things beyond the bound (with some rationality of course). This limit is the just one of the BOUNDS of a persons bounded rationality. There is no reason or way to learn these bounds because you always know them before hand.

Increasing the bound can lead to chaos, making decision making longer and never ending. Because now you will consider more and more hypothesis for reaching decisions and try to put in rationality where is not quite important.

Does Increasing the bounds of rationality results in better decisions ?
-YES for you and others who have a richer representation of the hypothesis space that lead to your decision.
-NO for others who have a weaker representation and whose bounds classify your decision in a contradictory sense.
-Agnostic: People have bounds which cannot help then decide/understand your decision

  • Theorem of Un-God-Ability
Statement1: There is nobody who knows everything. (Quite obvious right, lets prove it !)
Corollary 1: Nobody is always correct.
Corollary 2: No body knows the solutions to everything.
Corollary 3: Roy cannot know everything !

Because ....
To learn everything you atleast have to forget the process of learning. (So the contradiction and so the UN-GOD-Ability)
-- Faraz (This is my theorem and my proofs)
  • Prove
You can never reach a state where you know everything.

1. Knowing everything and asserting that same fact that you know every single thing MEANS you have an complete understanding of hypothesis space.

Knowing everything = Knowing the entire hypothesis space = NO BOUNDS ON RATIONALITY ......(1)

2. Ok now the contradiction !!!
Well you to know everything you have, stop knowing the bounds of your rationality.
Hence proved .. :)

To learn everything you have to at least forget/(not know) the bounds of your rationality.

Critique Proof 1. (I like to do away with really dumb ones)
You can pounce on the proof saying you Can have knowledge of your bound, and say that the bound is "infinitely large".

But then I can pose a very simple counter proposition that
"The one who knows everything should know the bounds of infinity"? and the ask him to answer the question
"How much is infinity"?.
The one who knows everything may answer. Infinity is something that cannot be measured. Well you have to give into the fact that you atleast don't know 1 thing that being how to measure infinity?

The layman's version even a toddler will understand this version of the proof.
1. Lets take the fact that I know the process of "How to learn new things" i.e Faraz knows how to learn from experience. (quite untrue but lets assume)
2. Given faraz now claims to know everything ? Can he claim to learn anything ? (No!, because you cannot learning anything that is already know to you).
3. So by knowing everything faraz has at least given up the knowledge of "How to learn".

Critiques for proof2:
Well I know I know u can say that "There is nothing to learn !! and that is what Faraz has learned". Quite a fact but the statement that "There is nothing to learn" is not quite the same as the statement "Everything has been learned".

"There is nothing to learn" != "Everything has been learned"
And given anyone 1 statement nothing can be said about the other.

Given:"There is nothing to learn"
Can you answer: "Has Everything has been learned"? Y/N

Given: "Everything has been learned"
Can you answer: "Is There nothing left to be learned"?
Yes, Sure affirming that you just learned everything there is just nothing to be learned at all. (Step 1gazillion)
No, Because you just learned our answer is "Yes" after you asserted that "Everything has been learned" :D

Not a atheist.
If it was not for GOD, I wouldn't have thought of proofs about his existence/non-existance. (Iam making a statement and a proof here which i don't want anybody to understand). As bounded rationality says "Let talk about the stars and lets not discuss who can be god and who cannot !". I know a few people who will get what i mean, without me having to express it explicitly.